I had such idealistic aspirations for raising my children. I wanted to defy stereotypes and gender biases yet no matter what, my daughter likes princesses and dolls and my son likes trucks and construction. Yesterday we went to Kroger and took advantage of their "free balloon." Molly requested a pink one and Connor requested a blue one. Does it get anymore stereotypical? Despite my best efforts to push dolls on my son, he tosses them aside (or throws them violently!) for a giant truck that makes obnoxious noises. Molly will barely play with trucks. What am I doing wrong?
The truth is, probably nothing. Some studies show that we are genetically wired and predispositioned to conform to these gender stereotypes; it's built into our genes. In typical "boy" fashion, Connor is completely enthralled with Digger Man by Andrea Zimmerman and David Clemsha. We must have read it 1,000 times. We've read it so many times that he has it memorized and if I leave out the last word, he'll finish the sentence for me. It's adorable!
This story in particular is a great one because it's also about a relationship between siblings. A little boy who loves diggers is going to buy a digger one day, and teach is younger brother to use a digger too! My favorite part is them cuddling in bed together at the end of the book. Perhaps that's the female in me, bringing relationships and love into a book about diggers. Perhaps that's what makes this book great -- it plays to both genders beautifully.
Do you know a little boy who loves trucks, construction and diggers like my son? This one is for you! Buy it now here on our blog for 10% OFF or come into The Storybook Shoppe in Bluffton, South Carolina to get it and many others like it. We have a "construction" shelf that little boys go crazy for. Happy reading to your little boy or girl!
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