Every year, Christmas gets more and more commercialized and I feel more and more that Christmas has become completely out of hand. This year, we are instituting a few rules in the O'Regan household. For every gift that comes in, we will donate one toy that we don't play with anymore. I also hope to volunteer at Savannah Feed The Hungry with my daughter. Since my husband thinks it would be too difficult, I may just go alone.
This Christmas book, "Christmas Is Here" was recommended to our family by Miss Nancy at The Storybook Shoppe. Words are from the King James Bible and it's a very grounding book. The words are comforting, rhythmic, biblical. A warm feeling came over me (and hopefully Molly and Connor) as I read, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will towards men."
I hope that after the Cyber Week sales and the mad dash rush at the mall, everyone will enjoy a moment (or more!) this season and be thankful for all that we have. I love the "pay it forward" ideas found all over the country... picking up the coffee for the person behind you, paying the persons toll behind you, donating toys and books, or volunteering. Giving back this year can be just as rewarding as getting gifts and scoring a great deal.
This book brings us back to what Christmas is all about. We love the illustrations and the "story" of Christmas and I think your little ones will too. Buy this book right here on the blog and support The Storybook Shoppe. Get 10% OFF your purchase and pay just $5.00 flat rate shipping. PayPal is safe and secure and your book will arrive in a few days!

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