I was stunned to learn research that shows in 1945, the average elementary school student had a vocabulary of 10,000 words. Today, children have a vocabulary of only 2,500 words.
Tony Stead, senior national literacy consultant for Mondo Publishing in New York said: "So many parents are not reading to their children anymore. And a lot of problems come from children not memorizing rhymes, the bread-and-butter of traditional early children’s literature."
Really? You mean those silly Humpty Dumpty and Little Miss Muffet rhymes aren't silly after all?

“Listening comprehension precedes reading comprehension,” Mr. Stead said. “In order for a child to understand what they are reading, they have to be able to hear the language first. A lot of the traditional rhymes, such as ‘Jack and Jill’ and ‘Humpty Dumpty,’ were repetitious and allowed us to memorize basic structures and patterns in the English language, then put it together. It’s important that young children learn to memorize through verse." Read more in this article found here.

Miss Nancy at the Storybook Shoppe recommended us Mother Goose by Sylvia Long to help Connor, my 16 month old son, with his speech development. Though he is coming along ok, the words aren't coming quite as easily and quickly as maybe I think they should. Because he is an active toddler, it's hard to get him to sit for a long time to read.
With this one, we grab a sippy cup of milk and sit back, relax and turn the beautiful pages for as long as he'll let me. Connor loves the rythmic words and natural sing song voices that can occur when you read this treasure. This is the type of book that will get passed down from generation to generation and also makes a great gift. I hope too that it will help him develop his language.
Hardcover & 108 Pages of beautiful illustrations
Just $20.60
plus tax & shipping
plus tax & shipping